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Writer's pictureThe Limitless Phoenix

Why do I feel so alone?

perhaps, Because you are changing.

Could it be that Your personal growth is coming to a point of rebirthing? In turn the old habits and patterns that no longer serve must die off to make way for the new.

“How can I hear myself amidst the chatter of others?”

No longer do you fit into the old version of your previous self. No longer are the conversations, activities, and perspectives that defined you relevant. A shift is happening within you that in time, will ripple out into your relationships and your actions. This may already be happening.

Oftentimes when we are changing, alone time is necessary. We have outgrown our old self, the one that was engaged in our previous relationships. When we are transforming and growing it can be likened to a metamorphosis process. The old must be shed in order to expand. The old skin no longer fits. The older habits and patterns of behavior no longer fulfill us. These conditions are all indicative of growth, of us being upon our growth edge.

what is the growth edge?

Growth itself refers to an inherent expansion beyond previous limitation. Along with moving past previous limitations, as we grow, we move out of our comfort zone. Either by circumstances of by choice. Often It is often necessary to put ourself into a state of uncomfortability in order to adapt and achieve growth. Remember growing pains? A physical expansion that was quite uncomfortable.

"When we have the courage to step into situations that are uncomfortable, we are breaking our boundaries, removing past limitation and harnessing our own Will Power."

This can look many ways, rigorous studying for an academic achievement, physical training for an athletic goal, self-discipline to overcome desires, etc. When it comes to redefining our way of being, our self, our consciousness, oftentimes the growth edge is one that we must walk alone.

Of course a guide and system of support is very helpful, but inevitably there will also come a time WHEN WE MUST WALK ALONE. This moment will be when the transformation and the growth that has come from our experiences has been harvested and needs space for integrating into our new way of being. Just like the transformation of food into energy, our consciousness needs time and space for digestion, for assimilation of the nutrients, wisdom, knowledge and experiences that are feeding our personal evolution.

Remember you are never really alone.

We are immersed in a sea of relationships, supported by Nature itself. We are in relationship with the breeze, with the trees, with the Sun and the Moon. Nature has been with us since our birth and will be with us to the moment we leave our bodies. We are in relationship, in communication with all of life, all the elements, and when we actively engage in dialogue with the world around us we will receive response.

In our modern society there is a focus upon the opinions of others. More specifically the opinions of other human beings. When we encounter other people who have a critical, negative of all out aggressive opinion of us, whether based on our looks, past actions, social status or any other external factor, the relationships we have with those people can grow into something that affects us on many levels. This could look like bullying, verbal or physical abuse, or slander of varying forms. The point is, this is not the only relationship we have.

The beings of the natural world do not judge us. They accept us in the present moment and that is something incredible. The sun shines upon all. The forest and the desert have a peace to them that is eternal, we simply need to show up. So let us remember our other than human relationships and perhaps by investing our time and energy into these relationships we can live a more whole life.

what's next?

Potentially, a shift in perspective. A release of distractions. A hunger for purpose, presence and engagement with life that is intentional. A hunger for new experience, new knowledge and wisdom, new levels of achievement, a more profound sense of duty and fulfillment. Yearning to connect with life purpose, personal power, with Nature in a profound way.

This potential shift necessitates the need for a redefinition, a renewal and revisions of all aspects of our lives in order to discern whether or not the components of each aspect are aligned with our authentic self and our highest ideals. Oftentimes as we are phasing or oscillating back and forth between our old ways and our new self we can find ourselves in the midst of an activity, conversation, interaction or experience that suddenly seems profoundly hollow, meaningless, or unfulfilling. This is normal. As a matter of fact, this is actually an indicator that you are changing. A signpost if you will, that you are indeed shifting out of the previous version of self into the next version, the next evolution of your being. Serving as a call to action for self revisions and Challenges that will serve as the catalysts of personal growth. Goals to be met and challenges to be overcome that in turn reveal just how powerful we have become. Experiences that push our growth edge beyond what we had believed possible. Experiences that show us our own limitless potential so that we may soar out of the ashes of the old self.

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