"The story of a Community, is made up of the stories of Individuals"
Upon his son's completion of a 10-day Wilderness Journey, a father had this to say about the changes he observed...
"Now he has much more respect for us...
You not only taught him survival skills, you taught him how to relate."
"Couldn’t recommend Lonnie as a mentor / guide enough! Anyone would be lucky to have him as a guide - truly a transformational leader and mentor."
Alex Craighead
Founder of Journeymen Institue 501c3
After a 9-day Customized Intervention with her son, a mother had this to say...
"When (our son) left he was very depressed and saw no end in sight. He came back from his trip with solid tools to help him get through those tough times. Before, he had resorted to cutting and other dangerous behaviors because he did not see any other options for relief. The most notable take-away was that he realized that what he was feeling was not permanent and he had other ways of coping."
"In my 22 years of teaching and working summer camps Lonnie Johnson is in my top five people to work alongside. Lonnie's openness, humility and high energy allow him to make genuine and immediate connections in individual and group settings. Whether it be surviving in the desert or speaking to college classes, Lonnie always goes above and beyond, and delivers more than expected."
Professor Aric Doak
Madison College WI
"Lonnie Johnson's heart, love, spaciousness, gentleness, strength, care, and commitment are amazing. It's a privilege to experience his energy and I highly recommend him as a mentor and guide"
Louis Brantmeyer
CEO and Founder
Speak Powerfully Now